Healthy return to school

19/09/2021 י"ג תשרי תשפ"ב

Starting13.9.21 the distribution of kits for rapid tests (antigen) to detect the corona virus in Modiin Maccabim Reut has begun.

The operation, led by MDA, local government and the Ministries of Education and Health, and in coordination with the municipal parents' leadership, is intended for children aged 3 to 12, prior to returning to school after the Tishrei holidays.

The municipality stated that the purpose of the operation is that 24 hours before returning to school, the parents will perform a home corona test for their children, in order to allow as safe a return as possible and to interrupt possible chains of infection.

The municipality also emphasized that on getting a positive result in the home test, the patient must perform another test, a PCR test, at the HMO or Home Front Command complexes and stay in isolation until the result is received.

In accordance with the directive of the mayor, Haim Bibas, the number of distribution centers will be increased from two to five complexes, spread throughout the city, in order to alleviate traffic congestion.

Test distribution locations:

HaShvatim sports hall: 23 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd.
Ironi Alef sports hall: 2, Sderot Dam HaMaccabim
Ironi Hey sports hall: 52 Avnei Hachoshen Street
Open on weekdays and on Chol haMoed (the week of Sukkot) from 18:00 to 22:00.

Rapid Test complexes operate at the Sports and Leisure Park parking lot from 11:00 to 22:00 on weekdays and on the week of Sukkot
and at the MDA compound on Menachem Begin Boulevard from 15:00 to 22:00, on weekdays and on the week of Sukkot.

Distribution will also take place n Erev Succot Monday 20.9.21, the evening of 21.9.21, Friday 24.9.21, Saturday 25.9.21, Holiday Eve 27.9.21, and Tuesday evening 28.9.21

You must present your own identity card with the appendix. The kit is issued only to the ID holder and cannot be collected for anyone else. Prior appointment is not required.

Mayor Haim Bibas: "I thank Magen David Adom for mobilizing so quickly and to distribute these test kits quickly and efficiently, and for the willingness to expand the distribution locations to make it easier for residents, and to encourage them to come and take these important kits. As we saw before the first of September, there was a high response from parents that showed responsibility, and I believe it will be the same now. Please do the tests and take care of the children. "

Baruch Bochnik (Health Portfolio): "The opening of additional testing centers in the city by MDA, for the well-being of the residents proves itself time and time again and shows that cooperation at the end of the day helps to improve the level of service to the residents, and I thank MDA for mobilizing.

Yishai Rauchberger, Director of MDA in the city, and Hilik Ezerzer, Volunteers' Chairman: This mobilization for the community, in such a short time, is impressive time and time again. Residents of Modiin Maccabim Reut can be sure that we are with them and for them. "MDA station volunteers in Modi'in Maccabim Reut mobilized en masse for this important operation, and work long hours to help cut the contagion chain, and to ensure the safety and health of the residents.These efforts for the community, in such a short time, is impressive time and time again. Residents of Modiin Maccabim Reut can be sure that we are with them and for them."

Healthy return to schoolHealthy return to school

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